Baby D is One!

February 15, 2019  •  6 Comments

Where did the time go? I feel like it was just yesterday I was meeting Baby D's sweet parents to capture their maternity session, and now he is ONE! I have loved capturing his milestones over the past year, he just gets cuter and cuter by the minute. My favorite part of his one year cake smash was seeing his love of the Chicken Dance song. Is that what is it called? You know the one, that you clap and make your arms into wings, etc. He LOVES it! No need to ask him to smile for the camera, I just started singing the tune and happy baby singing and dancing! So much joy!! I snuck in a few from the past year at the end, so keep scrolling! Enjoy!

One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments One Year Old, Smiles for Days!One Year Old, Cake Smash, Kristin Silliman Photography, Milestones, Capture Life's Moments


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