Baby C Cake Smash

April 09, 2020  •  5 Comments

I had so much fun capturing sweet Baby C for her cake smash on an uncharacteristically warm day this past winter! I love when we get random warm days just for the fact that the babies then love the washtub at the end! Granted, I have had a few in the past that it was too cold and we had to forgo that part, so it always nice when we can go ahead and do it! Baby C was all about those bubbles there at the end, and they turned out to be some of Mom's favorites! So fun!

Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One Baby C Cake SmashKristin Silliman Photography, Cake Smash Session, Houston Cake Smash Photographer, Baby Girl Turns One


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